My baby must have items! Most I couldn't do without! I am sure I will add more as she gets older, but this is my list for the moment!
1. Swing - Mary Claire takes lots of naps in this and so did Mallory! It also plays
Instrumental music and has a white noise that that sounds like birds chirping. I use the bird noise every night to help her sleep!
2. Bouncer - the one we had with Mallory broke so I had to get a new one. I found this one at kids market for only $10! It will vibrate and play music. Mary Claire loves to sit in it.
3. Rock and play - this is what Mary Claire sleeps in majority of the time, especially at night. My friend Erica let borrow this! I had never heard of it before , but it helps let her sleep on an incline which is better for reflux babies. It's also very light weight, rocks and folds up very easy to put in your trunk to travel with. It's awesome!
4. Medicine paci - this has totally transformed how Mary Claire takes her medicine for reflux! She had been spitting it out the minute it would go in her mouth and now she swallows it! Found this at Winn Dixie actually for a few dollars!
5. Pacifiers - these have been a must have for both of our kids. They have so many different types available. Without these and swaddle blankets I don't think I would get any sleep! Ha!
6. Swaddle Blankets - these have been a requirement for Mary Claire and were for Mallory to sleep as well. Without these, their hands would wake them up! It also makes them feel like the are bundled back in your tummy. The Velcro ones are my favorite! They are very reasonable price wise and help to calm my child down as well as sleep for longer periods of time. I could not make it without these!
7. Pack -n-play - great for a crib on the go! Used it so much with Mallory when we traveled! I am sure we will use it a lot with Mary Claire too. This is not the one we have it's a lot fancier. Ours is a cheaper model ,but it more than handles the job just fine!
8. Boopy Pillow - this is great to help either bottle or breast feed the baby. What I have actually used it most for is, to let Mallory hold Mary Claire! It's so much easier to just put this pillow in Mals lap and then I don't have to worry about her head being supported.
9. Infant Gowns - these are great! Mary Claire sleeps in them every night! It's so much easier to just pull up gown to change diaper in the middle of the night then to worry about all the snaps sleepers have!
10. Bibs and Burp Cloths- these are a must at our house. We go through like 5 a day! Both of my girls have been spitters, so I couldn't have made it without a lot of these!
11. Stridex sensitive - both of my kids got baby acne several weeks after they were born. I was told it had something to do with me passing them a hormone during birth. It usually only lasts a few weeks but with Mary Claire my doctor told me to get these and it would help dry it up quicker. It really did help and is now almost gone! Yay!
12. Baby monitor - since our original one was on its last leg, we upgraded to a newer fancier one this time around. I will say this is not something I would have splurged on if we didn't own a 2 story house with all the kids bedrooms upstairs. The monitor we got is the brand Summer. It's a video monitor and came with 2 cameras and you can view them on 1 handset! It's awesome to be able to see what mal is doing upstairs in her bedroom during nap time! Lol My favorite feature of all is being able to push a button and talk to her! I no longer have to scream/yell to answer her when she would talk on the monitor or ask if she could do certain things. It's awesome! Mallory was the child who wouldn't even leave her room to use bathroom unless she asked! I have now trained her to just go, but it's nice to be to answer her and not yell for her to here me!
13. Maya wrap - a must have for having 2 small kids! I wear her grocery shopping , at church on Wednesday nights, and when we took mal to zoo. I have used it a lot already! Mary Claire loves to sleep in it! It also allows me to be hands free which is awesome at grocery store! The infant car seats take up the entire buggy and leaves no room for food! This wrap is so easy to put baby in and get her out. It also has a awesome pocket at bottom I can put cell phone, wallet and a burp cloth in. That allows me to be purse free, which is awesome! There are many different positions the baby can be worn as she gets bigger. It will hold up to 35 pounds!
So these are my top 13 must have baby things! Not every baby will like all of these items, but that have all had huge impacts in taking care of our 2 little ones!
1 comment:
Agree with almost every one of these! Our boys lived in their swing every night and nap. I just bought a Rock and Play 2 nights ago and am excited to try it out. My kids weren't paci likers at all which sometimes I just begged them to take one. Lol. Oh and our boys lived in SwaddleMe blankets. Best invention ever. I've never tried the Maya wrap. With Jeremiah I had the Moby and like it okay but it took getting used to. This time I have the K'tan and hope it works even better.
Your family is beautiful and your new addition Mary Claire is too cute. Hope you guys are doing great.
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