Sunday, September 1, 2013

7 weeks old and shots!

Well Mary Claire is now 7 weeks old and had her first round of shots this week. She cried of course ,but it didn't last long and was probably harder on me than her! Ha! After Mallory saw her little sister get shots, she told us she doesn't want any of those! Ha! I guess she doesn't remember getting any of hers over the last 3 years. 

Mary Claire is doing much better  and growing! She is still on Zantac which has made a huge difference in her reflux pain! Her spitting up has gotten worse , but she isn't crying in pain like she was so I will gladly take the mess and extra laundry! However, if you decide to hold our sweet Mary Claire, you have been warned your clothes might get soaked with lovely spit up! 

She weighed in at a big 10.7 pounds at her dr visit. This is about the same size Mallory was at 8 weeks. She is only 22in long which is about an inch shorter than Mallory was. At 8 weeks is when Mallory decided to quit gaining weight so I am hoping we don't visit that trend with Mary Claire. 

Mary Claire isn't as good of a sleeper, but last night She managed sleep 7 hours from 9-4. That was awesome! Hoping this trend continues. She is drinking anywhere from 4-5 ounces of similac sensitive formula every 3-4 hours during the day. 

Today Sunday, September 1st was Mary Claire's first Sunday at church! I let Mrs. Lillian a sweet lady keep her in the nursery during Sunday school. She is so great with all the little babies and loves them so much! I think they must have held her the entire time and let her sleep cause when I picked her up she still hadn't  woken up to eat! 

She is now cooing and smiling at us, which is such a fun stage. Mallory loves to talk to her and will get so excited when she coos back! Mallory thinks its Mary Claire's way of telling her hey! 

This week Mallory also started back to preschool at Trinity. She was so excited to see all her friends, but mostly about having her great-aunt Kathleen for her teacher! 

Thankful that God blessed us with 2 wonderful little girls! Tomorrow Mary Claire will be 8 weeks! My how time flies! 


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