This year for thanksgiving we had it at our house! My parents and sisters family came along with my uncle bob and aunt Ceil and my grandfather Bobby. We also invited to other special people , an old neighbor ,Mrs. Betty Fry ,and Gary Gordon a church friend who has no family here.
We had way to much food to eat as usual and lots of fun watching the kids run around outside!
The day after thanksgiving we went to visit John's family in Jackson at his sisters house.
This year at Mallory's school they had a Thanksgiving program in place of a Christmas one. It was very cute! They sang songs like "I'm glad I'm not turkey", "I'm a little acorn round" and "ten little Indians"
I got to hear the songs several weeks in advance in the car! It was to cute!
Here are some pictures from Mallory's school program and the holidays. Enjoy!
Up next Christmas in Colorado!
January, 2016!
9 years ago
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