Well a lot has been going on around here lately. Mallory started back to play school on the 29th at Trinity, which was much needed for both of us!! It's only 3 mornings a week from 9 to 1. She loves it and it really helps with the clinginess!! We have even made it the last two days without her blanket!! I am still having problems coming up with things to send her for lunch. Mallory is one picky eater and I feel bad sending the same thing over and over again!! Right now her lunch has consisted of, yogurt or applesauce, cut up cheese, and grapes. She will hardly eat meat and doesn't like peanut butter and jelly yet... so I am struggling with a better variety!! All the other things she eats are items that have to be warmed up in a microwave, so they are out... I am praying one day she will learn to eat a little more variety!! I know that some of this is due to her limited diet from digestion and reflux issues until she was about 14 or 15 months old, but now she should be able to eat anything she just doesn't want to try it!! I am sure with time this will get better, cause I was a really picky eater as well, but I at least ate chicken and peanut butter and jelly!! Ha!
This past Tuesday, my mom and dad packed up the truck and headed to New Orleans to catch a flight to Las Vegas for the night before boarding a small plane to where they would embark on what my dad would call "a vacation of a life time". However, my mom would beg to differ, but is being a great supportive spouse and has agreed to go so my dad can check one more thing off his Bucket List!!
Now, to give you a little idea about what this "vacation of a life time" entails, imagine yourself riding on a raft in the Colorado river floating through the bottom of the Grand Canyon not just for one day but how about 7!! Now, if you know my mom very well you can tell right off that this is definitely not her type of vacation, but fits my dad to a T!! I am still trying to figure out how my dad talked her into going!! I guess she really has mellowed in her old age!! HA! She is getting to experience no running water, sleeping under the stars, no diet cokes, no power, no a/c, and probably the hardest one no INTERNET!! It will be good for her I think!! Ha Ha!! As far back as I can remember tent camping was not even in her vocabulary, it had to at least be a cabin and that was only on our Yellowstone vacation!! So I am anxious to here all about their "vacation of a life time"!! They will be back at the hotel in Las Vegas Tuesday and back in Hattiesburg on Wed. I really hope they are having fun admiring all the beauty our wonderful Saviour created!! I can only imagine that is indescribable!
On another note, I have been sewing like crazy..... I have made Ethan and Caroline matching MSU outfits. I made Ethan a Tractor Shirt for his B'day coming up. I have also made Mallory an USM outfit, MSU shirt and pants, Minnie Mouse Appliqued shirt and some other stuff. I am still not done with my list... maybe one day I will catch up... ha..
I can't believe that my nephew Ethan is almost 2!! That means Mallory is creeping closer to being 2 also... Oh My!!! Where has the time gone!!! She is really starting to talk a lot now... everything is a persons... such as Mama's juice or Mama's Car Car. Every time she See's a red truck she points and says Pop's truck... it super cute!! She is also in the stage where she doesn't want to sit for very long in the shopping cart.... so this has caused one fit in public and I am sure will cause many more!! She has also pooped on the potty 3 times and tinkled 2 times!! I was so proud and it was totally her idea!! I don't know that she is totally ready for full force potty training... but it is getting a lot closer and we are definitely introducing the idea!! This is actually quite scary to me considering how terrible my mom said I was to potty train.. she said it was a nightmare!!! I am hoping Mallory will not be as difficult, but if she is we will just push through it!!
Mallory now knows what apple juice is thanks to Daddy!! I wasn't to happy since she was completely fine with ice water for so long and didn't care if there was juice in it or not. However, now she will ask for it and point to it in the fridge if she sees it!! I still water it down, but I guess it was time for her to know the difference and what kid doesn't want sugar over water right?? I guess this is completely normal!! Mallory is also terribly afraid of Lizards and bugs.... it's pretty bad when she freaks out worse than me!!! I know you are thinking I am the one who taught her this... but I promise I didn't .... She also doesn't like bandaids at all nor thunder. Not to sure where these come from, but they are definitely fears at the moment. She is starting to say short sentences now such as "Daisy's food gone gone." Some of these sentences we understand and some we have no clue! Thanks to Pops Mallory now knows what the ice cream tub is... and gets really excited when she sees someone get it out of the freezer. She loves ice cream and always wants her own bowl of it!
Well that's about all that has been going on with us over the last few weeks.... looking forward to our upcoming trip to Disney with our friends from Georgia!
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