Two weeks ago, we had a special guest preacher come speak at church. He and his family were here to preach and meet our church family in view of a call to become our full time pastor. The message he preached really spoke to me and I wanted to share it in hopes that it might encourage you during the Trials of our lives.
In Acts 16:16-34: Paul and Silas, who had been preaching God's Word got put in Jail, clothes torn off and beaten. Now if you put yourself in their shoes, I definitely don't think my first reaction would have been to Pray and Sing Hymns to God to at the midnight hour, but that is exactly what Paul and Silas did!! I mean what a testimony to how we should react during the many trails we go through!!
I think back to the day I got a phone call that John had been laid off and they were closing down the Weyerhauser plant in Valdosta, Ga. At first I was in shock and had lots of emotions running through my head. I kept thinking what are we going to do???? Is John ok?? After all my initial fears and shock, I was able to find peace in the uncertainty we faced, but oh how God would have rather me Praised Him immediately instead of several days later. I mean if Silas and Paul did that under those terrible circumstances and the Jailer not only didn't commit suicide, but his family and him accepted Christ, just think how God can use us today during our trials to impact people around us!!
Praying that whatever Trials I will face in the future, I will praise Him in the midnight hour and use it as a testimony for His Glory!! After all, Isn't our mission to Glorify Him??
January, 2016!
9 years ago
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