Today on Mothers Day , I can't help think about how special my mom is and what she has taught me!
Loving, Giving, Opinionated, a Leader, and the Energizer Bunny, are just a few words that come to my mind when I think about my Mom. I am thankful for each one of these and would not be the person I am today without these valuable lessons!!!
The true meaning of love and loving your family is such a valuable lesson my mother taught me. Her example of not only loving me during the wonderful times ,but also loving me when I was being a horrible and terrible teenager, had a huge impact on my life! I can tell you that She spent many many nights and hours in prayer for me during my teenage years and thank goodness I am not that horrible terrible teenager anymore!! God is good and those prayers were answered...although she would probably tell you it took a little longer than she had hoped for, but it was worth the wait! Ha! I can tell you that I would not be the person I am today without her loving example no matter how terrible I acted towards her!! Thank you for teaching me the importance of family and what it truly means to love your neighbor as thy self!
One lesson that I can totally give mom the credit for teaching me, is what it means to truly give. From giving God back His tithe, helping a neighbor/friend in need, paying someones bill, or even just cooking dinner for someone, she taught me that giving to others is very important. Now, I will also tell you that she is the person that would prefer to do things anonymously and never wants the credit. The biggest lesson learned here is that giving does not just involve money, but it can also include your time, service and prayer. So many times people just need a helping hand! Witnessing this on a weekly basis made such a huge impact in my life and I hope to teach Mallory how important giving really is. After all isn't everything we have God's anyway?? If everything we have is His, then why shouldn't we use it to glorify His kingdom instead of our wants.
Now, I know the word opinionated may not sound like the nicest description of my mom, but if you know my mom at all, you will agree 100% that this describes her to a T!! I can honestly say this part of my mother's personality has taught me so many valuable things! What I believe in and why, where to shop and why, it's ok to voice what I think out loud, and I better speak up or else fade away, are just a few of the lessons this has taught me! So mom thanks for being opinionated even though sometimes we still give you a hard time about it!!
When I think of a leader, I definitely think of my mom. I have seen her in action on church committees, planning wedding showers to dealing with hospital care for my grandparents. I will tell you that if you ever have to be in the hospital or if you need anything done such as a shower or maintenance at the church... she is the one to get the job done! I will never forget when she didn't like the care my grandfather was getting in the hospital and my mom got it handled quicker than the nurse could! Thanks mom for teaching me what true leadership is about and that seeing the job to the end is very important!! Important lesson here is don't be a quitter!
The Energizer Bunny keeps going and going and going and going... well this is my mother! I mean sometimes I think she has more energy that a teenager! She can work circles around me! I thought it was suppose to be the other way around, since I am 30 years younger, but God has given her so much energy, which she has used to bless my life time and time again! This energy has helped me move too 2 different states, get 2 houses ready to sell, and take on night time feedings the first several weeks of Mallory's life. Oh and that is just a few of the things! The first 5 years of my marriage John and I lived at least 6 to 8 hours away. She was always just a drive away if I ever needed her. I am blessed to have a mom who keeps on going and going and going! I hope I have even half of the energy she has when I am her age! It's so awesome to see her using that energy not just for her family, but to help others around
My mom is one special person and I could never thank her for all she has done and taught me. Mom thank you for blessing my life time and time again and most importantly still loving me even when I was a selfish child and teenager!! Mallory is blessed to have one awesome Nana!!
January, 2016!
9 years ago
1 comment:
Amen to each and every word of this post! You are so right. She is definitely one in a million. Love to all of you, maria
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