So, my time finally came to have my very first embarrassing moment in public with Mallory. I wish I could have seen the look on my face when this happened, cause I am sure it was priceless!!
So yesterday, Mallory and I had been out running errands and our next to last stop was the post office to check my mail. As I always do, I got her out the car seat, carried her to the sidewalk and then put her down to walk while holding my hand. To my surprise, Mallory started to walk slower and slower and slower, and at one time I stopped briefly to make sure nothing was wrong with her shoes. After checking her shoes, which were fine, we started walking again and then all of a sudden right in front of the post office entrance, she came to a complete stop. As I turn my head the unthinkable happens....... I look down towards her feet and out of nowhere, well not really nowhere ,but you know what I mean, comes a DIAPER falling out the side of her romper. Yes, and in case you think you didn't read that right, I did just say a DIAPER fell out of Mallory's outfit!! Now at that very moment, I am thinking to my self "This can't be what I think it is... how in the world would her diaper just fall out like that????" Well after the initial shock, I picked her up to check and yes, sadly, I determined it was in fact the DIAPER she HAD been wearing for the last 1 to 2 hours!!!
Now as you can imagine, I am still in shock as I am walking into the post office with Mallory in tow, holding her wet diaper, and praying she doesn't use the bathroom on me!!I am sure it look rather weird for a lady to be holding a wet used diaper in her hands while walking into the post office!! I also was hoping no one was watching us while all of this was happening.....but I knew their was a lady sitting in her car at the time it happened.
Now as I am hurrying to get her back to the car, so I can get Mallory a new diaper on (I mean who really wants to be tinkled on, right??) and of course the same lady is still sitting in her car. Right as we walk past her car, I see out the corner of my eye her window rolling down. So I think to my self, "Oh no... what is she going to say???? Should I just hurry and act like I don't hear her??" Well the next thing I hear is this lady laughing and then she says:, "Oh Honey, Baby Girl done lost her britches huh??" I was so embarrassed, all I remember saying is "Yes, Mam. I am not sure how this happened... it has never happened before." I continued to walk to my car not looking back at her and after she finally drove off I got Mallory a new diaper and we were on our merry way.... Hey at least I provided her a few minutes of laughter!! As for me, I am now laughing about it but most thankful it wasn't a poopy diaper that fell out!!
I am sure their will be many more funny embarrassing moments in the years to come!! I guess this is all part of being a mommy!! I wouldn't trade it for anything... and it will make for some good stories when Mallory gets older!
We will be Gulf Shores bound tonight when John gets off work!! Oh and Happy 18 months to Miss Mallory today and Happy 29th Birthday to the very best Sister a girl could ask for!!!!
Anyways, hope you enjoyed my first embarrassing moment with Mallory!!!
January, 2016!
9 years ago
1 comment:
Haha, at least you made it until 18 months before that kind of incident. Caleb was about a month old when he pooped all over himself and me in Kohls. The worst part was how long it took me to notice it was on me, I thought it was just him! We switched to cloth shortly after and have never had an incident like that since lol. Happy 18 months to Mallory!
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