Well, its been a while since I have written, but I have been pretty busy lately. This past weekend my wonderful mom came to visit, which was lots of fun! This past weekend was also John's birthday. He got lots of nice stuff and I even got him his first ice cream cake! I think I may have been a tad bit more excited about it than he ,but he did appear to enjoy it. Growing up the Davis side of our family always had ice cream cakes for birthdays and boy they were good! John had never had the pleasure of getting one, so I thought he needed to see how great they are! Ha!
Mom left to go home on Sunday morning and John and I were a little sad to see her go, but I know dad was missing her! I will say though I think we were a little tired of watching politics on Fox News... If you have been around her lately I am sure you have gotten an ear full of concerns regarding the presidential election coming up. I think everyone we came into contact for very long with she brought the election up. It's pretty funny. I have not met many people on fire as much as her! Don't get me wrong, I do think this election is very important, I am just not one to bring it up with the guy I meet at Lowe's. Ha! I still love my mom and agree more than ever that if Obama gets into office we are in for some big trouble! I am just sick of all the media favoring one particular candidate! It's not fair and sadly most people will believe what they are hearing. Well enough about the upcoming election.
I have been thinking lately about some news I found out about several couples we knew in GA separating and or getting a divorce. This news has really saddened me. I just don't understand how Christian couples can let this happen. To me if you ever think you are falling out of love you need to first pray to God and secondly get help. Divorce should never be an option. I believe that if your relationship ever gets to this point then you need to sit back and take a look at your relationship with God. My heart just goes out to these families that are going through this. I could not imagine being in their shoes. I feel so blessed that God provided me such a wonderful husband who loves me unconditionally and would do anything to make sure I am happy. My husband also understands that I am not perfect and forgives me just as Christ forgives us. Wow, just thinking about this gives me chills ,but also warmth. I know God has truly blessed me with such a loving Christian husband and I thank God for him daily! My prayer is that these couples will seek out God and realize without him in their relationship it will continue to fail!
Well I guess I have rambled enough. I need to go and get ready for my Chiropractor appointment.
January, 2016!
9 years ago
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