Today, it finally feels like Fall weather in Florida. The weather is just absolutely beautiful. I took Daisy on a walk and for the first time her tongue was not sticking out half way home. Fall is one of my favorite times of the year. I love the nice weather outside and all the colored leaves are just beautiful to look at!
John got back Saturday night from Minnesota. He said the weather was cold, but he loved it! I think it got down in the 20's at night. One thing he misses about North Alabama is the colder weather. He said they actually got snow fairly often in the winters, where as in South Mississippi we rarely saw snow growing up. I have never been much on cold weather myself, but John seems to really enjoy and miss it.
We still have many things we are working on at the house we bought. I don't think the work will ever end. Last night after work John painted the wood molding around the garage door white. It's looks much better. It was in need of a paint job. We still have the quarter round to finish on the wood floors we had put in before we moved in, as well as some painting to finish in the master bedroom. I think this list could go on and on, so I will not bore you with all the updates we still want to make. I am sure if you own your house you understand how it never ends.
In a previous post I mentioned that we recently planted a lemon tree. Well, I am not sure what's going on with it, but a few of the leaves started to turn yellow, which according to the research I did is not a good sign. I researched a little on the Internet and it said it may not be getting enough iron or nitrogen or maybe it has been over watered. We have cut back on the watering and went and bought some citrus fertilizer to help it get some nutrients. I hope this helps our poor little tree. At least it's not wilting yet and it still looks pretty healthy! I really want it to produce some lemons!!!
Not to much else is going on with us. Hope you are having the great Fall weather that we are getting in North Florida!
January, 2016!
9 years ago
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