Sunday, July 29, 2012

June 2012 came and was over with way to fast!

So it's been almost 2 months since I have blogged and lots of events have happened since then! I will try to put most of them in one or two posts, but one of them I feel deserves a post of it's on!

The end of May we met our friends the Sweatt's, a family who we became great friends with while we lived in Georgia, in Gulf Shores at our Bay House. This is the same family we vacationed with at Disney World last year. Oh how I wish we lived closer and could spend more time with them than a few days a year, but I will take those few days over no days! While in gulf shores, we played on the beach, in the pool, rode the kayak's in the bay, fished, toured the fort morgan (a first for mallory), shopped, rode go carts(a first for Mallory), and ate lots of yummy food! We had a blast and I was sad to come back to reality! Every where we have lived, we made great christian friends, but the Sweatt's are those friends that even though we may not live close anymore, we still keep up with each other and find time to spend together! God truly blessed us with them and I am so excited that they are about to have another little girl, AVA, born in September! I know Anna, will be a really awesome Big Sister! Here are a few pictures from our trip.

When we got back in town from the beach it was officially June! I think Father's day was the next big thing that happened. Father's day was spent at church that morning and we just spent the day at home having family time that afternoon. My parents were in gulf shores this weekend so we didn't get to see them. I helped Mallory make a card for John for father's day and he loved it. We also let him purchase a chain saw on ebay, which made his day! She also made a few things at school for him! The picture in her card from school was pitiful. She actually looked like she had been crying! Ha! I hope that's not a normal day at school.... Here are a few pictures from that day. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful husband, but Mallory is even more blessed to have him as her daddy! She is already turning in to a daddy's girl!

Smiling before church.

Mallory and John looking at our baby birds!

The next big event was John's sister, Krista, and Matt's wedding! This even deserves a post of it's on so you will have to wait!

Between all of these events and the wedding June was a busy month and went by so fast! Mallory is growing every day it seems! She has started asking my "Why" pretty consistently! She loves pointing things out to me in the store and telling me she has had that or we have it at home. She also has started really noticing when things match. One example is we were using coloring pencils and she would pull out the ones that matched and tell me they were alike. I can't believe we are officially past the 2.5 year old mark! Where has the time gone?? Also, for the first time in Gulf Shores she went under water in the pool! After a few times she loved it! I was so proud of her for finally jumping off the side and going under water! She is now wearing some 3t mainly pj's and 2t clothes. Her shoe size is an 8. She loves to go outside, but doesn't really want to stay a long time especially if it's hot! She must take after her mother in this regard! I love my A/C! When we say our prayers at night she will go down the list of thanking God for : Mommy, Daddy, Nana, Pops, Papa, aunt Katy, uncle Craig, EE, CC,Granna, Aunt KK, and Uncle Matt. She will also sometimes add in people that are in our lives....such as Mrs.  Tina, or Mer Mer and Mrs. Erica. It's super cute and sweet! I love how excited she gets over the smallest things! One example was I let her help me roll up the crescent rolls for dinner one night! She was so excited and proud that the first thing she told Daddy when he got home was that she helped make the rolls! I wish I could have her excitement about the small things too!

Well we are about to go swimming at my grandmother's so I better wrap up this post. Maybe I will post a little sooner next time!

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