So it's been a while since, I have posted and of course they have changed the blogger website all up! I never got around to posting about Easter weekend this year. This is partly due to our camera getting dropped in a cup of water and breaking, so I didn't get to take any pictures. I guess on the bright side of this I did get to purchase a newer and better one!
Easter weekend was a busy one. Saturday we drove to Meridian to attend Krista's engagement party. I was really nervous about how Mallory would do at this function, being that normally children especially, little children, do not attend these parties! To be honest I probably would have considered leaving her with my parents, but John's sister(the bride) and John's mom wanted Mallory to be there. I was pretty much nervous for nothing, cause Mallory was so good that unless you really looked for her you wouldn't have even known she was there! At the party they had a 2 person band, one person played drums and the other guy played guitar and sang. Mallory would have sat there all night watching, listening, and dancing to them! The highlight of the night was when, Mallory finally wanted to sit with PaPa and actually have somethinhg to do with him! This is major change and I know John's dad has been waiting for this day to happen for over almost 2 years now! Ever since Mallory has been aware of the differences in people, she didn't want anything to do with John's dad(aka Papa). I always felt terrible about this, but for some reason all men over 40ish except for Pops(aka my dad) Mallory didn't want to be near. I am so thankful that Mallory now shows love to her PaPa!
After a late drive home, we got up Sunday morning and the Easter Bunny made a stop at our house and left Mallory some new puzzles, pj's, and candy in her basket. She loved it! We had a wonderful morning at church and then we came home to let Mallory take a nap before we headed over to my parents for the Easter egg hunt and some yummy dinner, with the Davis family! Since my camera was broken, sadly I didn't get any pictures, however my dad took some. Maybe when I get some time I will be able to look through them and post some.
Mallory is now 29 months old!! It doesn't seem possible that she is almost 2 1/2!! Her little personality is starting to shine more and more! She is still pretty timid with people she doesn't know, but talks non-stop to everyone else! Her speech has also taken off and her sentences amaze me every day! She has been using the word frustrated for a while now, but one day we were in a shoe store and she proceeds to tell me that her shoes were very frustrated. After a little chuckle, and proceedig to tell her your shoes can't be frustrated, this older lady's is laughing and grinning at us the whole time. Later that same day, we were in the bathroom at the local chick-fi-la and after changing her diaper, I decided to use the bathroom myself. As I am going, Mallory decides to look down at what I am doing and out loud say "Mommy I see your booty"! The next thing I hear is some laughing coming from the other lady in the bathroom. I guess I better get use to getting embarrassed in public!!
Here are some other facts about Mallory:
- She eats more meat now than she ever has as long as there is a sauce to go with it! Her favorite is still Chicken or deli turkey and Ham.
- She still loves to read!! She will actually sit for 30 to 45 minutes and read books with me! Some of her favorites are Brown Bear Brown Bear, Curious George, Richard Scarry's Best Read-it-yourself Book Ever, and a book about trains. The Richard Scarry book is 188 pages and 2 times we have sat down and read the entire book!! I can promise you she didn't get this love for reading from me! Ha!
- She has really started playing with her baby dolls lately. I will catch her telling me she is feeding them, they are napping and just yesterday she put one in her high chair and started to pretend feeding her a hot dog! A nursery helper at church told me during church that morning, Mallory told them the baby doll had pooped and that she had to change her diaper! They thought that was pretty funny and cute!
- She is constantly asking me to go into another store when we are out shopping and also would eat at every restaurant if she could! We have had a few fits from Mommy telling her we were eating at home!
We don't even eat out every week!
- She knows her some the shapes now. She can point out circles, squares and triangles!
She can even sorta draw a circle.
- She can count to 10 pretty good.
- She is getting better with her colors, but usually gets some of them wrong unless it's pink!
- She gets really upset if we do not listen to her Kid music in the car! Her favorite songs are: The wheels on the bus, row row your boat, This little light of mine, Jesus Loves me, Skip to my Lou, Shake Shake Shake, Yankee Doodle, and the ABC's. She knows the words to all of them! She really loves to sing her ABC's!
- She will eat ketchup plain just like her daddy did when he was little!
- She still loves puzzles.
- She recently had ear infection that infected her eye. After a doctor visit, some medicine and eye drops we are much better!
- She weighs 30 pounds.
- Mallory's favorite cartoons are Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, and Jake and the Neverland pirates. She begs to watch them all day, but is only allowed to watch them in the morning when Mommy is getting ready.
- She still takes great naps! Recently she has been sleeping 3 hours on some days, but sually it's only 2ish.
- She is wearing 2T clothing, but some 3T in PJ's. Her shoe size is an 8.
- She still loves to wear hair bows and will ask to wear one if she doesn't have one on.
- Mallory is still sleeping in her crib and appears to still love it, so I have made no effort to change it into a toddler bed yet! No climbing out yet thank goodness!
- Mallory was doing pretty good with going potty on the big girl potty, until we moved. The doctor told me to just wait a little while to try again. This whole process make me very nervous!!
One day in the near future we will venture down this road again!!
Well thats about all I can think about right now. Stay tuned for some updates about our New Sunday School Class, some sewing projects, and a shower next weekend for Krista in Cordova, Al. Enjoy the recent pictures!
January, 2016!
9 years ago
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