Well I have been really busy lately and have neglected to post since October!! We have a lot that has happened, so I will try and play catch up!
Back in November on the 13th we had Mallory's 2nd birthday party. My parents were leaving for a Biblical Tour in Turkey, so we had to have the party a little early.
Mallory had lots of fun opening gifts and eating some of her Minnie Mouse cake! She got so many gifts that at one point she lost interest in opening them. John's family and Nanny made the trip down here for the afternoon, which was so nice of them. Mallory's favorite gifts were the School Bus Aunt KK (aka Aunt Krista) gave her and the pink kitchen sink she got from Nanna, Pops, Granna, and Papa. She loves to pretend to cook and wash her hands!
At Mallory's 2 year old check up she weighed 26.11 pounds and was 33 in tall. The Doctor joked with me that she was finally now in the normal weight range! I guess all that Cheese she eats is finally paying off!! After seeing the doctor, she sent us to get Mallory's finger pricked to check her blood work. This was a first, and I wasn't to thrilled to see her go through this, but I knew shots were much worse! Once they called her name back there, the tech was trying to talk to her and the first thing Mallory does is poke her bottom lip out as far as she could. It was pretty funny and had the techs in the room laughing. Next the tech pricked her finger and we all kept waiting for Mallory to cry, but to our surprise it never came! Mallory is officially stronger than her mother when it comes to pain!!! Mallory just wanted to get the band aid on! As soon as we got back to the waiting room, the others in there commented to me that they kept waiting to here her cry too and couldn't believe what a big girl she was!! I was one proud MaMa!! Hoping she continues to get John's pain tolerance and not mine!!
Mallory is now talking up a storm, can sing row row row your boat ,and the wheels on the bus. She now knows what a sucker is and likes them. To be honest I wasn't too excited about that, but I guess it's about time!
She loves the play ground and every time she sees one she wants to stop and play. I can't believe Mallory is finally 2! I mean it seems like yesterday she was born. I just love seeing her blossom and learn. Her giggles make my heart smile, her hugs and kisses are priceless and can turn a bad day into a great one! She recently told me she loved me and this was hands down one of the best moments of being a mom so far! Praying one day that she will understand that there is a God who loves her even more than I can! Praying I am the motherly example God wants me to be!
Enjoy the pictures from her 2nd Birthday party! Stay tuned for a fun Thanksgiving at Aunt KK's in Jackson.