Well it's hard to believe that Christmas has come and gone already and it's a new year!! Here is a recap of the events!!
Christmas Eve, was spent at the Christmas eve service at church and then we went out to my grandparents and had Christmas with the Davis family. Our church doesn't have nursery during this service, which as you can imagine was a disaster 10 minutes into the service!! Ethan started getting fussy so ten minutes into the service Katy pulls out the snacks to entertain him and not to my surprise Mallory sees them and goes nuts!! So about 15 minutes into the service Craig and John took sweet Mallory and Ethan out and entertained them the rest of the hour!! After the service, we found them climbing up and down the stairs in the choir room!! I guess at least they lasted 10 minutes and then got to be toddlers!! After all they are 1 year olds!! At my grandparents, we had our yummy traditional gumbo that we have been having for years and then exchanged gifts!! Mallory wasn't into the gifts to much ,but did pull the paper a little bit!! It was fun just getting to spend some time with the family! She was fast asleep on the way home, as it was way past her bed time!!!
Christmas morning we got up in the living room was a Pink Metal Retro Airplane waiting just for Mallory from Santa (aka NaNa and Pops)!! It's so adorable and cute!! She loves to just sit in it and make sounds!! There was also a red fire truck waiting for Ethan!! It was so cute to see them get excited about the new stuff.
For the past twenty something years, it has pretty much been a tradition having the whole Davis family together on Christmas, but this year was a little different. It was just Mom and Dad, Katy, Craig and Ethan, John, Mallory and I, Cousins Ivy and Tate and then we invited two other families from our church that didn't have anywhere to spend Christmas!! It was so nice to have such a wonderful group and see how appreciative they were to be invited! The older I have gotten, the more I now understand how special it is to give than to receive!! I would much rather give now than receive, which is something I hope to be able to do for the rest of my life! Jesus Christ has given so much to us and to be able to return that favor to others around us is something really special! I hope one day Mallory will understand the true meaning of Christmas ,but also how special it is to give! I can honestly say my parents have been such wonderful examples of this and for that I am truly thankful!
After a big meal and fellowship at my parents house we loaded the car up and headed to Cordova, AL to visit John's family! This was the first Christmas we were able to make it up there on Christmas day, which was such a special blessing! I grew up with my grandparents living only 20 minutes away from each other, so it was pretty normal to spend holidays at both homes. I now realize how special that really was and how uncommon it is today for most families! To our surprise, when we were about 30 minutes from John's parents it's started to snow!!! So for the first time that I can ever remember we got to have a white Christmas!! It continued to snow the next day off and on, but sadly it didn't stick for to long. I sure did enjoy watching it fall! We ended up having a wonderful time and Mallory got some of the cutest presents!! John's sister, Krista picked out Mallory the cutest tin Tea Set!! This has to be one of Mallory's favorite gifts if not her favorite!! She also loves her pink cell phone John's parents (aka Granna and Papaw) picked out for her!! She got many more thinks such as books, clothes and dolls!! We now officially have way more toys than she can play with!!!
Poor John was sick with a sinus infection this whole holiday and had to go to the doctor twice before he got any better, but thankfully now he is well and everything is back to normal!!
All in all Christmas was such a special time and we are very blessed!!!
Enjoy the pictures!
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