Well, today was Mallory's 12 month appointment!! She had to get 4 shots and her finger pricked to check to make sure she wasn't anemic. She cried more than I have ever seen!! It was so hard to watch and I am surprised I wasn't in tears!! She weighed 19.12 was 28.5 inches long and her head was 43 cm. She is in 10th to 15% percent on weight, less than 10% on her head and 25% on height! I just knew she would weigh 20 pounds at this appointment, but I was wrong!! For some reason, the doctor always refers to her weight saying she is a "little bitty thing". I know she doesn't have much fat on her, but when she is around other babies to me she doesn't look that much smaller than them!! Out of curiosity I asked the nurse if she thought Mallory looked smaller than normal for her age and she replied "Yes, for a 1 year old she is small" . Well, I guess to me she is just Mallory even though others think she's really small!! Maybe she is just destined to be little like I have always been, well except when I was pregnant with her!!
I also got the clearance to start slowly decreasing her prevacid to see how she does!! I am hoping to be able to get off that medicine one day so Mallory can be medicine free!! I also, asked her for some suggestions on how to get her to drink Milk out of a sippy cup and her response was not what I really wanted to hear, but she wants me to keep her drinking it from the bottle longer cause of her weight. So, sadly we will not be bottle free for a little while longer... I was afraid the doctor was going to tell me this... On the bright side I can start giving her whole milk and no more formula!! Yea!! Now I just hope her stomach can tolerate it!! I guess we will be finding out pretty soon!
All in all we had a great appointment and don't have to go back until she is 15 months!!! I am very thankful for a healthy little girl!!
January, 2016!
9 years ago
1 comment:
Today was shot day for us too (5 month, we staggered them because of a family history of reactions). I always cry when he gets the prevnar, apparently it burns and he gets sooo worked up. Glad to hear Mallory is going to be able to get off her meds soon, that's always relieving! She looks so big to me too and I can't believe how much she's grown in a year!
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