Well it's been a while since I have written and I can't believe how fast Mallory is already growing!! She out grew newborn clothes during our Christmas vacation and has now outgrown the newborn size diapers!! She has also started to smile a lot and make lots of cooing noises!! She seems to really like being talked to and sometimes attempts to talk back!! The greatest mile we have hit is she is now sleeping all night long!! Praise the Lord for this. She now sleeps 9 hours!!
We had a great Christmas this year getting to spend it in Hattiesburg with Mom and Dad. The entire Davis family was able to make it this year and I enjoyed getting to see them all!! It was also fun having Ethan and Mallory together once again and I can't wait until they can actually play together!! I am sure they will have lots of fun!! We also got to make a trip to see John's family the day after Christmas, which was really nice, but I was really happy to finally get home and sleep in my own bed!! It has also been really nice to get in a routine with Mallory. She seems to be a lot happier when she is on a flexible routine!
It's hard to believe it's already 2010. I normally don't make New Years resolutions cause I am sure I would end up breaking them, but I do plan on trying to get back in shape and loosing some of this baby weight from having Mallory. Little old me actually gained 60 pounds when I carried her! Yes, I did say 60 pounds.... Ha! I never in a world's dream thought I would gain that much weight and hope to never gain that much again even with another pregnancy. My poor little legs had a hard time with the extra weight towards the 8th and 9th month!! I have probably lost 60% of that now and hope to loose at least another 20%! I also still can't wear my wedding rings yet, my hands are still to big.. so I hope my hands will go back down once I loose a little more weight... anyway enough with the whole weight thing. John and I ordered the P90X videos recently and they should be coming in this week so we are getting ready to start working out!! Yea!! I can't wait!! I really would like to start back running again, but until the cold weather is over I will put that off.
Last year for my birthday, John got me a sewing machine. I played with it some, but just didn't feel up to it that much while I was pregnant. I also need some lessons!! I did recently pull it out to work on a new project I found online. I am making some fabric quilted alphabet letters to help teach Mallory the alphabet when she gets older. They are turning out cute but it has been some very detailed work with cutting out each letter in the fabric and then sewing batting in the middle. I would really like to learn how to make clothes at some point, also. It's amazing the cute things I see that people make online. I am looking forward to putting my creative side to work in the coming years!!
All in all life is great! I feel so blessed to have a sweet healthy baby!! I look at her and think how lucky and grateful I am that God gave John and I such a big blessing!! I think it's so awesome being a mom and I look forward to the years to come!! I hope we have the relationship that I have with my mom now!! My mom is truly my best friend and I love her dearly!!
Tomorrow Mallory goes for her 8 week appointment and will get all of her shots!! I am not looking forward to the shots, but excited to see how much she has grown and weighs!! I will post the stats in my next entry. I can't believe my sister's little boy Ethan just had his 4 month appointment and weight 16 pounds!! He is growing so fast just like Mallory!!
This weekend my parents are stopping by on their way to Orlando for a Goodyear conference and it just so happened it's the same weekend that our church is doing baby dedication!! So they will get to see that also! I am super excited to get to see them, but I am sure they are more excited about seeing Mallory!! Ha!
Well it's almost time for Mallory to eat again and I better get started on dinner. Hope you enjoy the pictures! I will try not to wait as long to make another entry!! Hope every ones year is starting out great!!
1 comment:
Good luck with the P90X! I have heard it is tough but really works! I hope Mallory did well with her shots. Our little Ethan got his today and he has slept all day. Glad y'all are doing well! (And you will get to wear your wedding rings again. I still can't right now, but I was able to eventually after each of my other pregnancies.)
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