Well it's been over a week since I have posted, so I figured it was about time to write a new entry. Since then we have had a cold front come through the south, which produced snow where John's parents live in north Alabama and my sister and Craig also got snow in starkville, MS. I thought come march things were suppose to warm up a little and I sure hope that happens soon. I have never been a fan of cold weather, which is why I prefer to live and have lived in the southern part of the US my entire life.
As most of you already know and probably have been following, our economy continues to tank and hasn't shown any signs of relief coming in the near future. Yesterday, the Dow Jones and the s&p 500 both fell to 11 year lows. What does this tell us?? It definitely looks like the more money Obama is throwing at these major companies the markets are telling us they don't like it. You would think he would get a clue at some point and quit spending all this money, but that doesn't look promising anytime soon. Also, the job loss rate is the highest its been in years. In fact, in the last two days I found out about 2 different families we knew in Valdosta that their husbands no longer have jobs due to the economy. When I heard this my heart hurt for them, because a little over a year ago John and I were in the same place they are in. When I think back to December 2007, when John found out he was losing his job, I still get amazed and am so thankful at how the Lord took care of us. In fact, if I had the choice to go back and change what happened I wouldn't. God used John's job situation to teach me many lessons. Some of these are, what it means to fully put your trust in the Lord, that worrying is not the answer cause He is always in control, and that His plan for our life is so much better than our own. Jeremiah 29:11 says: "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." This was one of my favorite verses during the time John lost his job. I know how hard the uncertainties can be for these families, but I also know that if they put their trust in the Lord, He will not only provide, but He will bless them more than they will ever expect. John and I are perfect examples of this. One of my favorite quotes by Richard Phillips says "The key to trials is to get out of them all that God intends for us." Having this attitude can change your whole perspective on any situation. In our world today, there is a huge distinction between good times and bad times and between sorrow and joy. However, in the eyes of God, they're never separated. Where there is pain, there is healing. Where there is mourning, there is dancing. Where there is poverty, there is the kingdom. God never promised our skies to always be blue, but He did promise strength for the day,rest for the labor, light for the way, grace for the trails, help from above, unfailing sympathy and undying love. I am so very grateful that no matter what circumstance we are enduring, we can still have true joy from the Lord! I pray that God will give these families a peace that surpasses all understanding during this tough economic time of losing their jobs. I know God has great plans for them and I can't wait to see what they are!
I challenge everyone that is not being directly affected by our economy and still has their job to remember to thank God every day, because we never know who this is going to affect next!
January, 2016!
9 years ago
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