Spring time is already here in Tallahassee and pollen is in full force!! A lot has been going on since I last posted. Last week I drove to Mississippi and visited my parents for several days. I also got to eat and visit with my grandparents and Aunt Kathleen.
I really enjoyed getting to spend some time with family, but sadly I had to come back to reality!!!
This past weekend John and I stated working on our garden. We bought some tomato plants which we have planted in some pots. We also bought some cow manure! Yes, I do mean actual cow manure.... and to be honest I thought it was quite gross, but according to John's Nanny it really helps a garden if you mix it with your soil. So, I hope it will actually help our garden grow some yummy veggies!! We are planning on planting some squash, okra, bell peppers, and tomatoes. We have some other seeds that John's nanny gave us, but I don't want to over do it, since this is our first real try!! I will try to take some pictures soon for you to see.
We lucked out in our yard here in Tallahassee to have a peach tree already planted in our back yard. I honestly wasn't sure how well it was doing based on the looks, but to my surprise it already has small round peaches forming! I was so excited to see these and can't wait till they ripen and we can eat them!! Our neighbor says, is usually produces a lot of peaches every year, so that was good to hear!! Also, a while back I told you about the lemon tree John and I planted in a pot. It has struggled along, and spider mites got on it at one point, but I have slowly nursed it back to health and it looks like it might be getting some small lemon buds forming, which I was very excited about!! So hopefully we will get to have our own lemons and peaches this year!! I never knew growing your own veggies and fruit could be so much fun!!
Saturday, John and I ordered some new counter tops for our kitchen here. John is really tired of look at the old light green ones that have been here since the house was built. We also knew that if we try to sell this house they would need to be updated. We picked out some high definition laminate that will look tons better. It takes at least 3 weeks to come in, and funny enough it is being made in Gulfport Mississippi!! I will post some pictures after John installs them.
Well not much else is going on and I am behind on laundry. I continue to be in awe of all God is doing in our life! Until next time......
January, 2016!
9 years ago