Well Christmas is almost here and I can't wait to see my family!!I have finally finished my Christmas shopping, which I am very happy about. The traffic and crowds out right now in Tallahassee are getting worse by the day. I am guessing due to the economy there are more last minute shoppers this year waiting to see if sales are going to get any better.
Tomorrow night John and I are hosting our Sunday School Christmas party, so most of today I have been cleaning the house. It seems like I constantly need to dust this house, and I can't seem to get rid of it all. If anyone has any suggestions feel free to let me know. It's really funny how the older I get the more I notice I am like my mother. Ha! Did I really just admit that?? My mom has always never had a problem entertaining and hosting events are their house, and John says I am just like her in that respect.
Christmas time is one of my favorite times of the year. One of the reasons is cause I get to go and visit family! If you have ever lived away from your family, holidays are times you always look forward to!!
Some of the best memories I have as a child are during Christmas time. One of the Hollomon family traditions that I miss the most is getting to eat Gumbo at my Daddyer and Memi's house. Memi was always such a good cook, and I regret not spending time with her in the kitchen. She could cook anything and boy when she cooked it was not just a few dishes it was a delicious feast!! Another favorite memory is getting to spend the night with my cousins Chris, Julie and Jon, at Memi and Daddyer's house during Christmas. We would always pull out all of Memi's blankets and sheets and make pallets on the floor, so we could all sleep in the same room. I will never forget some of the pranks we would play on the first person who fell asleep! Tooth paste or shaving cream in the hand was always a funny prank.. boy those were the days!! All of these wonderful memories really make me miss my grandparents on my mom's side. Ever since they both passed away, we rarely get to see our cousins since they live in Texas, but this year there is a slight possibility they might be coming for Christmas and eating lunch with our family. This would be a really nice surprise if they do end up coming!!
Also, for the first time ever the Davis family will not be together on Christmas day for lunch. As much as this saddens me, I know the older everyone gets the harder it is to get everyone together. I do feel blessed that for my entire childhood and most of my young adult life, I got to spend Christmas with all of my aunts, uncles and cousins. Thanks to my mom and dad's influence, I truly understand the importance and meaning of family!
As important as family is, the real reason we should celebrate Christmas is even more important. With out Jesus' birth we would not have eternal life. Instead of getting all caught up in the stresses of the Christmas season, I hope you will stop and remember the real reason we celebrate this glorious holiday and that is due to Jesus' birth. Happy Birthday Jesus!!
Just remember, if we take Christ out of Christmas we have nothing!!
Mississippi and Alabama here the Kirkpatrick's come!!
January, 2016!
9 years ago
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