Wednesday, November 20, 2013

4 Months Old (a little late)!

On November 8, Mary Claire turned 4 months old!! It's so hard to believe how fast time has flown!! She is just the sweetest baby! She got again shots right before she turned 4 months. 

Here are her stats:
Weight: 14.4 pounds
Head: 40cm
Height: 26.5 inches (not sure this one is really accurate... ) This would put her in the 95%! We do have some tall people on the Davis side though. 

We are still on the Zantac for reflux and have also had to add prune juice once a day.. We are having major constipation issues at our house! It's just horrible to see sweet Mary Claire try to go! The prune juice has helped ,but it could still be better at times! I never knew what it would be like to pray for my baby to poop until now! Oh and I have never gotten so excited to see a baby poop in my life until now! I really hope she out grows this at some point, but until then I will pray for poop!  

Here are a few things she is now doing:
- she is smiling and laughing 
- she tries to sit up and likes to be up looking around
- she still loves the paci
- she is eating 6 ounces of similac sensitive every 3 to 4 hours during the day. 
- she will sleep from about 8 to 4:30 which I will blame the time change for the earlier wake up. Usually I can just feed her and then she will go back to sleep. 
- She has discovered her hands and feet! She loves to play with them! 
- MC is such a happy baby most of the time .. And She doesn't cry near as much Mallory did. 

4 months old is such a sweet age!! I just love her so much and feel so blessed to be her mommy!! Here are some pictures from this past month! Enjoy!