So this past Sunday, John and I woke up at 5:30 to load Mallory in the car and take her to my parents house(aka Nana and Pops). She was about to head on a fun long drive to Maggie Valley, NC. Several months back, My sister and brother-in-law Craig, were planning a trip to the mountains. My sister didn't want to be without her kids for a solid week, so she asked my parents to tag along, in hopes they would be happy to watch the kids while they went skiing and/or hiking. Well my parents could not turn such a fun trip down, and the next thing you know they are asking me if they can take Mallory too!
To be honest, the thought of Mallory being gone for 4 nights just didn't sit well with me at all. However, after talking it over with John, he convinced me we needed to let her go and she would have a blast playing her cousin EE (aka, Ethan). After much resistance.... John informed me we would have to let go at some point... and my response was "John she is only 2!!" ... he said "at this point you will probably never let go!!" Ha! Well I guess we will see as she gets older!!
As we drove up in the drive way at Nana and Pops, Mallory is grinning from ear to ear and ready to jump out of our car and into theirs!! Now, mind you this was 6:00 in the morning and she was running around very excited with no sign of sadness mommy and daddy were not going!! As sad as I was, I knew based on her excitement we made the right decision in letting her go.
At this point, it was clear that this trip was going to be way harder on John and I than on Mallory. The first two days weren't so bad, I stayed really busy unpacking boxes and organizing them in the office/storage room upstairs. Now, as you will see in the pictures... it is somewhat organized...but doesn't look as cute as the pictures you see on Pinterest!! I did all this with spending no extra it doesn't look near as cute, but who see is besides John and I anyway right?? At night was the hardest for John and I. We would always start to miss our sweet Mallory then! It just wasn't the same without her, but we managed it and she had a blast!!
I actually worked all four mornings they were gone at the Goodyear store, and in the afternoons I would come home and sew a little bit. I really enjoyed the time I had to sew. I sew Mallory a few things and a shower curtain for our bathroom. I actually did all of this with fabric I already had, so no money spent!! John was very pleased about that... He informed me after seeing my fabric collection... that I didn't need to buy anymore fabric for a long time!! HA!!
While it was nice to have a few days with just John and I, I am very ready for Mallory and Nana and Pops to return home!!! Here a few pictures of what I have accomplished this week while being childless!!
Well I better go, John and I are headed on a date tonight before Mallory, Ethan, Caroline and my parents get back to town. I am more than ready for my sweet little two year old to return home to her Mommy and Daddy!! Here are some pictures of what I have been up to these few days without Mallory.