Recently, John, Mallory and I loaded up the car and headed to Mitchell Farms Pumpkin Patch in Collins. If you haven't been here or taken your kids you are really missing out on lots of Fall fun!! This was Mallory and I's second time to go, but John's first. He loved it just like we did!! It was so cute to see how much fun she had going from one thing to the next!! Her favorite was the slide and the train ride! I think she would have stayed on the slide all day if we had let her!! Playing in a pit of corn, a corn maze, tire swings, slides, a train ride, a wagon ride, and a animals petting barn are just a few of the fun activities you get to do at Mitchell Farms!! Mallory even got to help us pick out 2 pumpkins to bring home!! It was lots of fun and I can't wait to go again next year!!
On October 20th Mallory was 23 months old! Gosh where has the time gone??? I mean in less than one month she will be 2 years old!! Here are some recaps from the last month!
- If you ask Mallory how old she is she will tell you 2 even though she is still actually one. She thinks since her cousin EE is 2 she is too!
- She goes pee pee on the potty at least 1 time a day sometimes more when we are at home. She even held it all the way home one day for me! I was so proud of her!! I hence full force potty training in our near future! She gets a sticker for going, which she loves!! We tried M&M's and those were not a hit... she wouldn't even try them! Ha!
- She is still some what a picky eater, but if you have the right food I think she would munch all day! She loves Ice Cream!! I have learned the hard way that I need to fix a separate bowl just for her or she will want to eat all of mine!
- She is constantly asking me "Where Dada go?" "Where Nana go?" ,"I want to play with EE" or "Where school bus go?"
- She is still really into School Buses. She gets so excited when we see one in town and she loves to wave to it and say "Hey School Bus"! It's super cute!!
- Her favorite friend at church right now is Cadence. She tells us "I want play with Cadence." It's really cute!
- She is at the stage where she doesn't like changing clothes unless they are wet or she is getting to take a bath. She is great at having melt downs. I guess that is part of the terrible two's coming out! Thankfully it has been a little bit better lately.
- She got her first busted lip at school recently. She was trying to climb up onto the changing table and fell. This was all after she had been told not to climb on it! I guess she had to learn the hard way, but she got a Popsicle out of it!!
- One morning when I was in the carpool line to drop Mallory off at play school she started pointing at this little boy, grinning really big and saying Nate Nate... I asked her do you know him? She said uh huh with a big grin! So when the teacher came to get her out of the car, I asked her what the little boys name was and to my surprise she said "Nate"!! I proceeded to tell her that Mallory was just pointing, smiling and calling him by name!! Mallory's teacher thought that was super funny... since Nate is not even in her class, although they do play on the playground together. She said all the girls love Nate!! Well I guess our little Mallory likes Nate too!! Ha Ha...
- We have finally moved up to size 4 diapers, I think we were in size 3's for a really long time!! Now it's time to focus on no diapers!!
- Mallory loves wearing jackets and sweaters. Sometimes she will get really upset if we try to take it off. Not sure what caused this!
- Lastly, Mallory loves Football!! She loves to go to the games and have it on TV! Hoping this continues and she likes to watch it as much as I do!! The other day I turned on the TV to watch the news and she kept asking me "Where football game?" . Explaining to her that college football only comes on certain nights of the week was pretty funny!!
Stay tuned for a fun Minnie Mouse Birthday Party!! Enjoy the pictures!