Well yesterday was one of those Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Days for me.
It all started with Mallory waking up crying cause her diaper had leaked all over her pj's and bed, therefor she wasn't to happy. After changing her clothes, we headed down the hall to get Daisy up and feed her. Normally, she is wide awake and going crazy for some food!! However, as soon as I unzipped her crate, I get the wonderful present of some gross white thick foamy vomit!! You can trust me it was quite gross and covered one whole end of her crate!! After much shock, I picked up and set her down in the hall. Oddly enough she just sits there and doesn't even ask/beg for her breakfast. Now if you have ever met our dog and seen her eat her dog food, you know how much she loves to eat and usually eats it in like 30 seconds!! So this was one really big clue that something wasn't right.
Next Mallory, Daisy, and I headed downstairs to eat some breakfast. As Mallory was eating and I was pouring my cereal a frosted flake accidentally fell on the floor. Now normally Daisy is up and under your feet before you can even bend over to pick it up, but once again she was no where to be seen! I finally found her laying next to the couch looking like she didn't feel good at all. Since this was a play school morning for Mallory, I had to get ready and didn't have time to babysit the dog all morning. So we took Daisy back upstairs and went on with our morning routine.
During my shower and while I was drying my hair, I made Daisy stay in the hall and closed all the doors.... I mean who wants to clean vomit up under a bed or other furniture right?? Well, as I went to check on her once again, not surprising she has vomited up again and not only was it the gross white foamy stuff, but this time it had little dime size drops of blood in it!! So after quickly getting Mallory dressed, I attempt to scrub the carpet clean... and trust me BLOOD is not the easiest thing to get out of carpet, but I succeeded thank goodness!!! After texting my sister, a Vet, and calling my Brother-n-law Craig, who is also a vet, we decided that I would just watch her and see how she does. He seemed to think maybe she just ate something that upset her stomach.
Well it's probably 8:40 now and I am trying to figure out what to do with Daisy while I will be gone all morning. My only solution is to crate her, which I could tell she disliked very much due to the barking and whining we could hear downstairs as we were leaving. I left her there anyways, and left to take Mallory to Play school and then went off to the Goodyear store to do a little work. I tried not to worry about her while I was gone, but that wasn't to easy.
After picking up Mallory from Play school at 1:00, we headed home for Mallory to take a nap. She fell asleep in the car as usual and as I am unlocking the door I can hear Daisy going nuts!! At this point she is much louder than she was when we left!! After putting Mallory in her crib and feeling lucky that Daisy didn't wake Mallory up I go open the door to where her crate is..... and to my shock she comes running out of the room!! Now, if you remember right, I told you earlier I locked her in the crate.... well yes you guessed it she chewed a hole in her mesh crate and managed to get out!! On top of all that she also threw up again on the carpet!! Where she is got all this energy to chew like that I have no clue, since all she will do is drink water and was laying around like she felt terrible. Just in case you are wondering... yes this did not help her stomach problem any more... especially since she did swallow some pieces of the crate she threw up....and will more than likly come right back up!
At about 2:00 Mallory decides to wake up early from her nap and is quite fussy... lets just say this was not what I needed deal with on top of a sick dog that keeps vomiting!! A sense of humor got me through to this point; so lets keep it going right?? I mean it can't get much worse??
Well, Since Daisy decided to ruin her crate by chewing a wonderful hole in it, Mallory and I had to go purchase another one. I opt for the hard crate this time....for obvious reasons...
Well it's finally getting close to time for my Dad and John to get home from work and by this point in the day, I have lost count of how many times she has vomited.... and it finally got to the point where she was just throwing up water....I was even nice enough to leave John several spots to clean up when he got home!! He was a good sport about that!! I mean why wouldn't he want to join in the fun of my wonderful day?
Somehow, in the middle of all this I managed to get dinner fixed and a load of clothes washed. Last week my mom and I found a bread maker at this local salvage place in town, that appeared to be brand new and a great deal! John has been bugging me to try it out, so since we had all the ingredients I thought why not... maybe that will make the day a little better! The smell of fresh bread sounded great... After adding all the ingredients in, and pushing start... I realized I forgot to add the salt... but it was to late now so I let it keep going. After, a couple hours it turned off... and looked done on the top, but after cutting it the inside was definitely not done!! So I attempted to finish cooking it in the oven, which seemed like a great idea, but sadly didn't work! The bread didn't taste very good either... hint ... don't leave out the salt!!
So after John got home he said lets try again with a different recipe. So I thought well ok, I mean all you have to do is add the ingredients and it does the rest. Well after adding the ingredients ... and plugging it in.... the Steal Not A Deal we thought we got.... wasn't working!! Surprise Surprise!! I guess fresh bread was meant to happen yesterday! I will admit I tried to keep a good attitude about it realizing that some peoples days are much worse than mine, but at this point I was just ready for bed and a new day!!
After dinner, John and I were watching Daisy and she seemed to be getting worse and worse. So we called Craig again, and he recommends us bringing her in that night or first thing in the morning. I would much prefer the next morning, but much to John's pushing we decide we better take her then.
At this point it is 7:30 at night and to be honest I would much rather be getting ready to go to bed, but I love our Daisy girl, so Lucedale here we come. Right as we are about to leave the house ..... Daisy decides to throw up one more time.... right while John was holding her! I am thinking to my self .. glad she got that out of her before we got in my car and glad he was holding her!! Well I guess I thought to soon and was being to cocky, cause half way down there.... she decided to throw up right in my lap and on the floor board... thank goodness it was just clear fluid or I might have been throwing up with her!! I actually handled it much better than I thought I would. Its all about a sense of humor right?? I kept telling myself our poor dog was very sick and couldn't help it.
After the hour drive, which seemed to last 2 hours, we arrived there to meet Craig. He did xrays,and blood work, and determined she was very dehydrated and needed fluids badly. Also, her blood work levels were not all normal, partly due to the dehydration. The xrays didn't show much except her colon was so full of poop that it covered her stomach, which blocked our view of trying to determine if something was in their that shouldn't be. After sedating Daisy, hooking her up to fluids and some nausea meds, we left Daisy there in hopes she would be better in the morning! We finally got home about 11:30 and I got my wish of going to bed. Better late than never right??
All during this time my mom has been in Gulf Shores with Katy, Ethan, and Baby Caroline,which was probably a good thing cause my mom has a weaker stomach than I do and that's pretty bad!! My wonderful Dad offered to keep Mallory and put her to bed for us, so we didn't have to take her on this wonderful night adventure to the vet clinic in Lucedale, Ms. I am so very thankful for Craig spending his evening helping our sweet Daisy!! We owe him big time!!! This morning he called me and told me that the fluids really helped Daisy over night and she actually wanted to eat some food this morning!! This is major progress and I hope in another day or so she will be back to her crazy self!!
Thankful for a calmer day today, and for a God who gives you a sense of humor even during a Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day!
John 16:33 says:
"I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”
January, 2016!
9 years ago