So yesterday was Father's Day. It has been crazy around here with a trip to Gulf Shores last week and then Father's day over the weekend, along with Mallory getting sick. On Saturday afternoon, Mallory's left eye started leaking yellowish stuff, which to be honest was quite gross!! It wasn't red at all so I didn't really think it was pink eye, but what do I know!! So after missing church, two mornings of waking up with a crusted closed eye and terrible sleeping I took her in to the doctor this morning. We ended up having a ear infection, eye infection and one side of her nose was irritated and draining. Poor girl!! No wonder she has been sleeping terrible the last 3 nights!! Our treatment includes Eye drops, a antihistamine, and a round of antibiotics. I am hoping this helps and we don't end up allergic to the medicine. The last round of antibiotics we had a terrible rash develop after a week of taking it, so hoping this new one doesn't do the same.
So back to Father's day....we ended up missing church afraid that Mallory was contagious. Since we were home all morning we ended up cooking a Meal for my mom and dad for lunch. It was great not fighting the crowds trying to eat out!!
I have always been a Daddy's girl since I can remember! My Dad was always someone I looked up to and have thought the world of!! I have always admired his integrity, honesty, and compassion. His work ethic and compassion to help people in his business taught me to be a fair, hard, and compassionate, worker! He taught me that your job title is just a name, but your work ethic, integrity, and compassion towards others will make an impact that could last a life time! Actually today of all days, I found my dad out mounting tires cause a tire man called in sick and we were short handed at the store. How often do you see a owner/boss out their doing those types of jobs?? In my experience not very, but ohh what an example it gives to your employees to show them what real team work means!! After all aren't we called to do our best to Glorify the Lord!! What a Christian example it could be just by stepping out of our so called specific job duties to help out where needed. Isn't that the true meaning of team work anyway?
Another thing my dad taught me was the true value of money. Now if you know my dad very well at all.... you would agree that he is what you call "tight" when it comes to spending money!! I can honestly say, the business and my parents would not be where they are today if it wasn't from being good stewards of what God has given them. After all isn't that what we are called to do? My dad's example, helped me to not make silly financial decisions after I moved out of the house and taught the importance of tithing! After all, everything we have is from God anyway right? I am so very grateful for this simple but oh so important lesson my dad taught me!! It saddens me to see so many young people that just don't understand money and/ or were never taught the true value of it! I thank God everyday for all He has given us to manage and pray John and I will be good stewards of it!
Maroon, White, Maroon, White fight fight fight!! My passion for MSU came right from my wonderful dad who happened to choose to attend this wonder college back in the 70's!! Now the funny thing about this is my dad's parents are Ole Miss graduates and not a single one of their children attended Ole Miss, but two of them graduated from Mississippi State!! My dad's passion for MSU football and the school helped make my college decision very easy!! Without this influnce I may not have met my wonderful husband!! I hope Mallory will love maroon and white as much as we do, after all it's in her blood!!!
The saying "A Daddy's girl usually marries someone a lot like their dad" has been proven to be true numerous times since we moved here a year ago. As most know, John is now working for my dad at the Goodyear store. Most weeks anywhere from 2 to 6 times he is asked if he is Mike's son. He has even been told recently that he is a lot like Mike and even looks like him! Ha ha!! The customer usually asking this laughs when john politely tells them that he is only the "son-n-law". I have to admit I have to refrain from laughing out loud the few times I heard this happen while I was there. I told John next time someone tells him that he is a lot like Mike.... he can just tell them "that's probably why his daughter married me". The longer John and I have been married the more I realize he is a lot like my dad!! Thanks dad for teaching me what to look for in a husband!! Your example and God's timing blessed me with my wonderful husband John!
I could go on and on about my dad cause I think he is one special person, but I will stop here! I am very thankful God decided to bless me with such wonderful christian parents who had such a impact in my life!! Without their love and guidance I would not be the person I am today!
A Daddy's girl who was once so small will always be a Daddy's girl!!