Matthew 28:6 Says "He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay."
Not only did Christ die a brutal death on the Cross, but He rose from the dead and He's alive!! This amazing event changed everything for us! It's so amazing that Christ loved us so much that He sent his only Son to die for you and for me so we can have eternal life!! Man is that cool or what!! We are so undeserving, but yet he loves us anyway!!
I teach a 4 and 5 year old class at church on Wednesday nights and this past week the theme was Easter. The director, Kathy, had set up several stations for us to go and look at. Some examples were Nails, linen cloths, an empty tomb and praying hands! It was so cool to explain the story to these sweet kids and see their expressions. Now, I know they didn't fully grasp the understanding of what took place on Easter and the days leading up to it, but I could tell that it really planted some seeds in their hearts!! I am so thankful for the opportunity to impact these sweet kids life!
This Easter was a little more active than last years since Ethan and Mallory are older now and running everywhere!! Saturday, we took Ethan and Mallory to a friends house for an Easter egg hunt.. it was fun, but John and I were worn out by the time we got home!
Sunday morning the Easter Bunny left Mallory a basket full of goodies! Now, my childhood memory of the Easter Bunny is actually pretty funny now, but at the time I was quite disappointed! As a child, I can remember waking up to see what the Easter Bunny had left at our house and to my disappointment year after year it was always a basket of fruit!! Now I know you are thinking seriously you got a basket of fruit?? Well, yes that is what he left every year - A big ole basket of Yummy Yummy Fruit!! It consisted of Apples, Bananas, Oranges, grapefruit to name a few. Now if you can imagine going back to school the following week and all your friends asking you what the Easter Bunny got you and my response was always "well at my house he left a big yummy basket full of fruit, but at my grandparents house he left some Candy!!" Needless to say my classmates were like wow you didn't get candy at your house?? So yes it was a little disappointing the first couple of years!! I can remember thinking maybe this will be the year we get candy instead of fruit... but to my disappointment it was fruit once again!! Now, don't feel to sorry for Katy and I, cause my Grandparents always had us a basket of candy, so we were not totally deprived of Easter candy!! The older we got, it eventually became a joke getting the basket full of wonderful yummy FRUIT!!
Now, since I am now on the side of being the Easter Bunny... I was determined not to give Mallory fruit!! Ha Ha! My mom even jokingly said ... "well I guess I will have to get Mallory something other than fruit for Easter, cause all she eats is Bananas!" At least we all know that the real meaning of Easter has nothing to do with Easter candy, or eggs, or even fruit, but has everything to do with a Risen Savior!
Sunday morning we had a wonderful service at Hardy Street Baptist Church. Katy and Craig drove down and came. It was really nice to have the whole family at church! We also had 100 more in attendance than we have been averaging which was awesome!! I saw people I had not seen in a long time there!! So thankful for all God is doing at Hardy Street Baptist!
After church, we had a yummy lunch, Mallory and Ethan took naps and then we headed out to my Grandparent's house to hunt some Easter eggs! It was so much fun to see Mallory putting the eggs in her basket!! Cousin Chris, did a great job hiding the eggs for her!
So thankful for yet another day to remember the amazing event that changed our life forever!!
Enjoy the pictures from this weekend!