Ok so I know it's been way to long since I updated our blog. It seems like every time I thought about sitting down to update, Mallory would wake up from a nap or laundry was calling my name. Hopefully I will do a better job in the coming year!!
I don't even know where to begin to update on our crazy life!! Mallory is almost a year old and is growing way to fast!! She has gone from just laying around to crawling and now to pulling up and pushing toys around the room. I am sure walking is just around the corner!! She loves to clap ,put her hands in the air and do the "touchdown" move!! She has also started dancing to music now which is so cute to watch!! We have 4 teeth on top and 2 teeth on the bottom and I can honestly say the teething process is not much fun but part of having children!! We recently went to the doctor and she weighted 18.10 which for an 11 month old is only in the 12% but thats ok. Eating has been another story all on it's on. We have battled reflux since birth along with Gastroparesis, which is a delayed empyting of the stomach. Although we are on two different medicines eating certian solid foods it quite the issue. I am praying she will outgrow this problem and will one day be able to digest regular food and eat like a normal child, but until then we will take one day at a time and continue to eat what we know she can digest! All in all God has blessed us with such a wonderful sweet little girl!!
It has been so amazing to see Mallory blossem and grow. It's hard to believe how different she is from almost a year ago. The Lord's blessing of children is truly amazing and I thank Him for every day I have with her!
On a different front, John has taken a new job. He is now working for my dad selling tires in my hometown of Hattiesburg, MS. Our house is still admist the wonderful Florida housing market and that requires me to drive back and forth to check on it every so often, but hopefully in time it will sell. It's just such a blessing to be back where I grew up and so close to family!! Mallory will now get to grow up with her cousin Ethan, which is great since they are only 10 weeks apart!! I can honestly say after living in GA and FL that Mississippi is the best place to live hands down!! The is no place like home and that home to me has and will always be in Mississippi! Excited to see all God has planned for us back in Mississippi!!
Well that's about all the updates I have time to write today, but will try to update again soon!! Next big event coming up is Mallory's 1st Birthday on November 20th!!Enjoy the recent pictures I uploaded!