Well it's been over a month since I have posted an entry. So much has happened since my last post. The most exciting news is that my sister Katy had her baby boy on Sept. 9th. His name is Ethan and he weighed 7 lbs 12 ounces. He is adorable!!!
I have now surpassed the 30 week mark, which is awesome!! I am so ready for little Mallory to come out so we can meet her. I am also ready to have my regular body back. Now I know some people just adore being pregnant, but I on the other hand am not one of those. My hands and feet have recently started swelling. I can no longer wear my wedding rings and none of my close toed shoes fit anymore. I am just praying it doesn't get to cold before this baby come so I can continue to wear my flip flops!! She has been moving a lot more now and it's so awesome to sit on the couch and watch my stomach move.
We have finally finished the baby's room. When I get a chance I will try and post some pictures of it. I think it turned out cute. We painted it a neutral tan color so when we decided to sell this house we wouldn't have to paint again. I did however accent with lots of pink!!
I am starting to get a little nervous about how our dog Daisy is going to handle a new baby in the house. Hopefully she will still continue to be her sweet self! In October, I am having 3 baby showers one is in Hattiesburg, one in Valdosta, GA and one here in Tallahassee. I am so blessed to have so many wonderful people who wanted to give baby showers!!
Well other than waiting on this baby to be born I plan on trying to take it easy over the next couple of weeks. I can't wait for the end of November to get here!! I will try to not wait so long to post next time.
January, 2016!
9 years ago