Well it's been about a week since we returned from our great vacation to Disney world. We had a great time and I have finally gotten all caught up on the laundry. While we were there we went to three of the parks, attended a medieval dinner and show, ate really good and walked more than I have walked all year!! We tried some Moroccan food and also some Irish food, both of which were very tasty. Although I wasn't to sure about the belly dancer they had dancing in the Moroccan restaurant. We were lucky it didn't rain to much while we were there just in the afternoons mainly, which cooled the temperatures off. All in all it was a great trip and I look forward to taking our kids one day!
The weekend VBS starts. I am working with kindergarten. I had to go and get my t-shirt today at Lifeway bookstore and all they had left was adult size small and XXL. Now normally a size small would be perfect ,but now that I am pregnant it's a little tight in the stomach area. So I had to get the small in hopes that it doesn't look to tight. I guess these are the joys of being pregnant!!
I went back to the doctor this week and got to hear the heart beat once again!! It's the most amazing thing that there is a baby growing inside of me. I also found out that I get to find out if it's a girl or a boy at the end of this month! Yay!! John and I can't want to find out!! Well I am in need of a nap so gonna cut this entry short. Hope you enjoy the pictures I posted from our Disney trip.