Well it's been an interesting few weeks since I last posted. I have started to feel better and I think the morning sickness has finally passed which is great! I just wish I could get more energy back.
I was in TJ MAXX the other day paying for something and the clerk proceeded to ask me: "There's a baby in there isn't there?" I was in so much shock that I almost didn't know how to reply. I replied to her that yes there was. She then proceeded to keep talking about how cute and round my belly was. I will go ahead and tell you it was the most awkward conversation I have ever had with a random retail clerk. I have a feeling it's just going to get worse the bigger I get! I guess these are the joys of being pregnant!
It's hard to believe that 4 years ago on May 28 I married the most wonderful man! God has truly blessed me with such a wonderful husband. This next week we are taking a anniversary trip to Disney World in Orlando. I am really excited, just hope it doesn't rain the whole time we are there! It's hard to believe that this time next year we will have a new addition to our family!
I can honestly say that God is truly blessing John and I here in Tallahassee. We have really gotten to know some great new friends and our church has been wonderful. Also, John's job is finally getting to where he is starting to enjoy it! Praise God!! It just took a while for him to get a handle on it and learn the new product. It's funny how impatient we get in wanting things to go our way, but it's God's time table that always seems to work out the best. I thank God for putting us here in Florida and look forward to all the things in store for our future!
Well I am in need of a nap and need to finish some laundry I started so better close this entry up. Until till next time.....
Mickey Mouse here we come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
January, 2016!
9 years ago