Well the weather has turned cold here in Tally. I think it got down to 33 one morning this week. I am not a fan of cold weather, but John loves it.
This past weekend John got almost all of the quarter round cut so we can finish and cover the edges of the wood floor we had put in. Next I guess I will get the pleasure of painting it so we can finally nail it down... boy am I ready to get that project finished!! 1 more down 50 more to go! Ha!
Last week John had to travel to Ocala, Florida for a business trip for several days. To his surprise the day he got there he found out that they were shutting down that plant. Boy, was this a full circle moment for him. In case you didn't know, they shut the plant down John was working at in Valdosta last December, which caused John to look for a new job. Fortunately, God took care of us and John got a new job really quickly. Even though this shut down does not affect John's job as of right now, going through this last Christmas brought back not so great memories. My heart goes out to all the employees who lost their job, and I pray that they will rely on God to get them through this difficult time. This economy has gotten so bad and is really making me nervous. Plants like the one John works at are getting shut down every week due to the economy and housing market. I struggle trying not to worry about this, but I know that ultimately God is in control and he will take care of us not matter what happens in our future. The verse that helps remind me to not worry is Philippians 4:6-7. It says "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." After studying this verse, I noticed that we are commanded to not be anxious and no matter how hard this may be God commands us to not be worried. I pray that we all realize that no matter what we are going through we are told to not be anxious about anything and to present our worries to God. I can honestly say that once you practice this a burden will be lifted off of your back and God will give you a peace about your situation, however this doesn't mean the worry will go away, it just means you gave it to God to handle. Enough of rambling about this, I just pray for all the Americans this economy is affecting.
A while back I mentioned we had planted a lemon tree. Well I finally took a picture of it to post on here so you could all see our cute little tree! It's the picture above that has a tree in the planted container.I am still hoping it will produce lemons one day!!! One of our neighbors, who happens to be a widowed man in his late 80's or early 90's has a orange tree that is next to our fence in his back yard. I never knew it was an orange tree until this past week when I noticed oranges hanging all over it! It's so neat to see the oranges! I was really tempted to climb on our fence and sneak one to try, but I didn't. I am sure if I asked him he would give us some, as I know he will never be able to eat all of them, but I hate to bother him. Anyway, I took some pictures of it; so hope you enjoy them! In case you can't tell by my excitement, I have never been around fruit trees much in my life so to me this is pretty neat!!
Well I better go before this gets to long and boring. Hope you enjoy the pictures of our lemon tree and the neighbors orange tree!!